Dr. Avinash Thombre

Dr. Avinash Thombre

Dr. Avinash Thombre is a Professor of Communication Studies at University of Arkansas, Little Rock. Since 2001, he has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in Nonverbal Communication, Small Group Communication, Intercultural Communication, and Communication and Change, Communication Theory, Yoga and Mind-Body Communication, and Health Communication and Personal Transformation.

A native of Pune, India, he previously taught and has guest lectured in India, Trinidad and Tobago, and Argentina.  He received his bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Bangalore University and his Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico in 2004. In his first career, he worked as a reporter with the Times of India newspaper, covering health, environment, education, and new technology beats. He worked for the Pune and Bangalore editions. His reflective writing can be accessed at https://avithombre.medium.com/

Dr. Thombre is a practitioner of yoga, uses Ayurveda for self-treatment, and loves sauntering. He is a certified yoga and Ayurveda teacher from Kaivalya Dham Yoga Institute in India. He meditates regularly and identifies himself as an ecocentric writer, transcendentalist, and amateur astronomer, public intellectual, and philosopher. He loves climbing mountains and is an avid gardener and enjoys planting seeds and watching them grow into tall trees. He is based in Little Rock and married to Vaishali and has two teenagers Aditya and Anushka.

Avinash Thombre | Professor, Department of Applied Communication
University of Arkansas at Little Rock | Ross Hall 619
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Ramesh N Rao and Avinash Thombre